A. Introduction to Series Course 1: Plan Review and Permitting for Residential PV Systems

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Get to know the primary tasks to perform to confirm the code compliance of most residential roof-mounted PV systems prior to issuing a permit. You will be introduced to the format of the course. This isn't a sit-back-and-watch webinar. You'll be reviewing two sets of full application packages for two different residential rooftop PV systems. You will be asked to evaluate the compliance of both as you practice what you learn.

This series is designed for plans examiners, building and electrical inspectors, and system installers.  Select the tasks you are most likely to perform on the job, whether they are related to code requirements for compliance with fire, structural, or electrical codes. Or take all 12 courses then challenge yourself to review a full permit application at the end and decide if you would issue the permit.


Course: Introduction to PV Plan Review Course Series
Begin self-paced component package.
Begin self-paced component package.