A Playbook for Modernizing the Distribution Grid, a New Regulatory Resource from IREC & GridLab -Webinar

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Recorded On: 05/20/2020

The Interstate Renewable Energy Council (IREC) and GridLab describe their new resource: A Playbook for Modernizing the Distribution Grid, Volume 1: Grid Modernization Goals, Principles and Plan Evaluation Checklist. The first in a series, this evaluation toolkit is designed to help regulatory stakeholders navigate, analyze and make more informed decisions about grid modernization proposals. With this toolkit in hand, stakeholders will be better equipped to ensure that grid modernization efforts are done with state public policy goals, such as clean energy adoption, in mind. Playbook authors will provide an overview of the first volume, which consists of goals and principles for grid modernization, and an evaluation checklist – combined, they provide an initial framework to help utility regulators and regulatory stakeholders assess the merits of proposed grid modernization plans, investments and initiatives.


Webinar Recording
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Open to view video. 52 minute recording of the Webinar held May 20, 2020.
Webinar Slides
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Open to download resource.