ASHRAE Guideline 36: High-Performance Sequences of Operation for HVAC Systems - Webinar Recording
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RECORDED WEBINAR: During this webinar, we introduce ASHRAE Guideline 36-2021, High-Performance Sequences of Operation for HVAC Systems. This guideline is the industry's first attempt to standardize building control sequences and promote best-in-class sequences for energy savings and easy implementation. We introduce its intent, benefits, scope, and the stakeholders involved in designing and implementing ASHRAE Guideline 36. Then we highlight the key control sequence concepts in this guideline, including AHU static pressure resets through trim and respond, dual-max controls for VAV terminal unit with reheat, and Automated Fault Detection and Diagnostics (AFDD). We also discuss how to screen your buildings to see if they are a good candidate for a controls retrofit leveraging Guideline 36. Completed and ongoing ASHRAE Guideline 36 field demonstrations sponsored by California Energy Commission (CEC), NYSERDA, and Minnesota Department of Commerce (MN DOC) are featured.
Your expert panelists:
1.) Joe Zhou, Director of Research and Innovation, Slipstream
2.) Hwakong Cheng, Principal, Taylor Engineers
3.) Gwelen Paliaga, Senior Director, Research and Technology, TRC