Energy Storage System Basics and Beyond. (EMPOWERED Solutions Webinar Recording)
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This webinar features a discussion between a California Fire Marshal and an advisor to a DOE national lab on energy storage system safety.
Key topics include:
- What do AHJ’s need to know to approve residential & small commercial energy storage systems?
- What are some of the key items that hold up approvals?
- What improvements to the IFC/NFPA 855 do you feel are needed for ESS?
- How do product standards like UL 9540 and testing like 9540A allow for safer installation of ESS?
- Where can you find available training?
Target audience:
AHJs who enforce fire code (both NFPA and IFC) and other clean energy stakeholders interested in learning more about energy storage systems.

Recorded webinar
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This is a 1.5 hour recording of the webinar held May 19, 2022
ESS Webinar Survey
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