Plan Review - Test your knowledge!
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Try this quiz after you have taken the courses related to fire-safety, structural, and electrical aspects of code compliance of a residential rooftop solar PV system. You will download the plan for a PV system, then evaluate different aspects for compliance - just as you would before issuing building and electrical permits.
Introduction to the series of plan review courses. OPTIONAL
Begin self-paced component package.
Begin self-paced component package.
Optional. If you haven't already taken the series of courses related to the tasks of reviewing a solar PV plan application for compliance,. here is a 10-minute introduction.
Begin self-paced component package.
Begin self-paced component package.
Take the final 'quiz' to test your knowledge of code compliance for the primary aspects of a residential rooftop solar PV system. You get to decide which aspects of the submitted plan are code compliant before issuing the permits.