Solar PV Safety for Firefighters

4.43 (53 votes)

Can you spray water on solar panels? Is a roof top solar array hazardous on a cloudy day? Boost your confidence when operating around solar electric (photovoltaic) systems by learning from an experienced fire chief. There are fourteen brief videos that describe components and provide case studies from which to learn. Watch how departments respond to incidents on solar-equipped structures, both residential and commercial. Check your understanding throughout with four knowledge checks.

***2024 update*** You are certain to find some great information in this course, so please proceed. The course was originally developed in 2016. The information is still relevant, and it is well worth your time. Please note, however, that there are several newer aspects of the technology that are not addressed in the course. Most significantly, there is no mention of rapid shutdown, and the course covers only PV and not energy storage. Both rapid shutdown and energy storage represent significant impacts on responder actions and safety.  For the most up to date training for fire service professionals, please visit NFPA and UL training solutions. 


Part 1. Solar Electric (Photovoltaic) Basics
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Open to view video. Hear why learning about operating safely around solar-equipped structures is essential for all first responders.
Grid-tied PV Systems Overview
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Open to view video. Learn how solar electric (PV) systems produce electricity and how they are like other electricity-producing systems, like gas-powered generators.
Electrical Theory
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Open to view video. Learn how electricity flow is like hydraulic flow - spray from a hose. Understanding how electricity flows can help you identify electrical hazards when operating around a solar array.
Review #1
5 Questions  |  Unlimited attempts  |  0/5 points to pass
5 Questions  |  Unlimited attempts  |  0/5 points to pass Check your knowledge of solar electricity basics with this 5 question review.
Part 2. Solar Electric System Components
Components: Modules
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Open to view video. There are a variety of types of solar modules (what you might call solar "panels." Learn how to identify the different types upon sight.
Components: Conduit & Disconnects
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Open to view video. Conduit and disconnects are highly visible components of the PV system that first responders should be able to identify.
Components: Inverters
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Open to view video. Inverters change the DC electricity from the solar modules to AC electricity that can be used in the building. Learn the basics of how the inverter works and how you will deal with it during an incident.
Review #2
5 Questions  |  Unlimited attempts  |  0/5 points to pass
5 Questions  |  Unlimited attempts  |  0/5 points to pass What have you learned about the main components of a PV system? Take this 5-question review and learn more.
Part 3. What to look for during your size up
360 Walk Around
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Open to view video. Learn what to look for to quickly identify a PV system upon arrival on scene.
Labeling and Shutdown
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Open to view video. PV system components are required to have labeling. Learn how to interpret what you see on site and how to shutdown the system to the extent possible.
Review #3
5 Questions  |  Unlimited attempts  |  0/5 points to pass
5 Questions  |  Unlimited attempts  |  0/5 points to pass Check your knowledge of the recent topics with this 5-question review.
Part 4. First Responder Access and Energy Storage Systems
Access and Pathways
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Open to view video. Learn about changes in the fire codes that require newly installed PV systems to have access pathways and ridge setbacks for ventilation.
Battery-based Energy Storage Systems
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Open to view video. Energy storage systems are becoming more prevalent. Learn what how to operate more safely around them.
Review #4
4 Questions  |  Unlimited attempts  |  0/4 points to pass
4 Questions  |  Unlimited attempts  |  0/4 points to pass Take this 4-question review to check your knowledge about access pathways and energy storage systems.
Part 5. Case Studies & Scenarios
Case Studies
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Open to view video. Learn how firefighters respond to a variety of incidents at PV-equipped structures.
UL Study: PV and Electrical Shock Hazards
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Open to view video. What happens when the hose spray hits an energized solar array? Experts at UL tried a number of experiments so you don't have to. Watch to learn more.
Emergency Response Scenarios
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Open to view video. See how firefighters respond to two incidents: one residential and one commercial.
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Open to view video. Congratulations! You've made it through the main content of the course. View this final module before printing your certificate of completion.
End of course evaluation - Online Firefighter Course
5 Questions
5 Questions Your feedback helps us to develop content that better serves you in the field. Please take three minutes and tell us what you thought of the course.
Certificate of Completion - Solar PV Safety for Firefighters
2.00 credits  |  Certificate available
2.00 credits  |  Certificate available Print this certificate to show successful completion of the 2 hour online course.