SUNY Energy Futures: Common Advanced Control Strategies

3 (1 vote)

Four 15-20 minute, self-paced, online courses will introduce facility operators, energy managers, engineering and project management staff, and other facilities management staff to common advanced control strategies. Designed by IREC, The State University of New York (SUNY), and Slipstream. Content areas that will be covered include optimal scheduling, AHU supply air pressure and temperature resets, economizers, and demand-controlled ventilation.

Courses in this series are:

  • Optimal Scheduling
  • Pressure and Temperature Resets
  • Economizers
  • Demand-Controlled Ventilation

After completing this series participants will be able to:

  • Explain common sequences of operations (SOO) and their operations.
  • Identify errors and troubleshoot system operation as it relates to SOO.
  • Describe what points need to be trended and monitored to ensure proper operation.
  • Describe the energy and comfort implications of the SOO as well as implications of not properly operating the systems per SOO.
  • Contains 3 Component(s), Includes Credits

    This module will provide facility operators, energy managers, engineering, and project management staff an overview of optimal scheduling including different HVAC system control modes.

    Optimal scheduling, including a shortened HVAC schedule, wider zone temperature setpoint deadband, and optimal start/stop, can achieve significant energy savings with low-implementation cost. The most energy efficient piece of equipment is the equipment that is off. In this course, we'll cover the strategies to optimize the HVAC equipment schedules and night setbacks to save the most energy.

  • Contains 3 Component(s), Includes Credits

    This module will provide facility operators, energy managers, engineering, and project management staff an introduction to air-handling unit (AHU) supply air pressure and temperature resets.

    In this module, you'll be introduced to air handling unit (AHU) pressure and temperature reset concepts, different implementation options, and AHU static pressure reset control setup as well as industry best practices for implementing these resets. We'll also explore the “Trim and Respond” method and common issues related to the reset strategy setup, operation, and maintenance. 

  • Contains 3 Component(s), Includes Credits

    This module will provide facility operators, energy managers, engineering, and project management staff with an overview of economizers.

    In this module, we will explain economizer concepts, describe controls setup, and learn when and how to apply air-side economizers. Industry best practices for implementing economizers will also be introduced. Detailed air-side economizer control sequences and a control programming example will be illustrated. Finally, common issues related to air-side economizer setup, operation, and maintenance will be reviewed.

  • Product not yet rated Contains 3 Component(s), Includes Credits

    This module will provide facility operators, energy managers, engineering, and project management staff with an overview of demand-controlled ventilation.

    In this module, we will explore occupancy-based DCV and CO2-based DCV concepts, and describe DCV components, controls setup, and control sequences (recommended in ASHRAE Guideline 36 High-Performance Sequences of Operation for HVAC Systems for single-zone systems). 
