Tour of Utility Scale Solar PV System

4.38 (13 votes)

According to the Solar Energy Industries Association (SEIA), there are about 10,000 solar projects over 1 MW (megawatt) in operation or development across the U.S. Visit one of them in this 30-minute video, without having to brave the heat of the Mojave Desert. Join Stephen San Juan from RISE Renewables and Sean Silvey from Fluke Corporation as they discuss components and important aspects of system safety and performance. Along the way, select the question marks to respond to questions and learn more information.


Video Tour
Begin self-paced component package.
Begin self-paced component package. This video will open in a pop up window. The 30-minute video is divided into seven short segments. Each segment containts 2-4 question marks that will pop up while you watch. Select the question mark to respond to questions and learn more.
End of course evaluation - Utility Scale Solar Tour
6 Questions
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