Permit Technician/ Plans Examiner
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Electric vehicles are here and (millions) more are on the way. Ambitious EV adoption goals from local, state, and federal governments need reliable and equitable charging infrastructure. There are resources available to inform decision-makers in every aspect of the planning, implementation, and enforcement processes. However, we can all use help finding the most appropriate resources, identifying what parts of the resources are applicable to our given stage in the process, and identifying where to turn when we hit a roadblock. In this recorded webinar, experts from across the country discuss tools and lesson learned being adopted today. Webinar October 10, 2023
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An Introduction to the Electric Vehicle Supply Equipment (EVSE) Permitting and Inspection Guidelines
In many parts of the United States, navigating building permits required for distributed energy resources such as solar, storage, and electric vehicles (EVs) can be a daunting process. Under a three-year project, funded by the U.S. Department of Energy, the New Buildings Institute (NBI; an IREC partner) has led the development of a series of guidelines to streamline the permitting and inspection processes for distributed energy resources. In this video produced by NBI and Forth Mobility, listen in to a description of how to use these Guidelines and an overview of code requirements for the installation of Level 2 Electric Vehicle Supply Equipment (EVSE) installations and 120V or 240V outlets in single-family buildings, multifamily, and office buildings. This video recording is recognized for 1 CEU by both the International Code Council (ICC) an American Institute of Architects (AIA). To earn your credit, you can submit your Certificate of Completion to the appropriate reviewers at ICC an AIA. Please enjoy the presentations.
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In many parts of the United States, navigating building permits required for distributed energy resources such as solar, storage, and electric vehicles (EVs) can be a daunting process. Under a three-year project, funded by the Department of Energy, the New Buildings Institute (NBI; an EMPOWERED partner) has led the development of a series of guidelines to streamline the permitting and inspection processes for distributed energy resources. In this video produced by NBI and Earth Advantage, listen in to a description of how to use these guidelines and an overview of code requirements for the installation of Energy Storage Systems (standalone and paired with simple photovoltaic systems) in single-family, multifamily, and office buildings. This video recording is recognized for 1 CEU by both the International Code Council (ICC) an American Institute of Architects (AIA). To earn your credit, you can submit your Certificate of Completion to the appropriate reviewers at ICC an AIA. Please enjoy the presentations.
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Commercial buildings have the potential to lead the way to a decarbonized, electrified future. The passage of the Inflation Reduction Act (IRA) will accelerate these efforts in states and cities across the country. With this great opportunity comes the chance to learn best practices for scaling electrified building solutions safely, efficiently, and economically. In this recorded webinar, experts from across the country discuss successful strategies being adopted today. Webinar March 21, 2023
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Building materials have long been studied to learn about their impacts on building durability. But only recently have the materials and systems been examined to look at fire performance as well. Whether you are designing, constructing, or inspecting buildings, you will want to understand the material safety of high-performance homes. Join experts from across the country to gain insights into efficient construction materials and systems we are most likely to see in the coming years. Webinar January 17, 2023
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How different (or alike) are solar projects on the utility scale versus commercial or industrial sized projects? Take this 30-minute tour of a 4 MW system in California.
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Did you know that heat pumps are transforming buildings in cold climates and other locations across the country, providing cost-effective weatherization solutions to tenants and building owners? Join people in this recorded webinar from across the country for insights on the rapidly increasing consumer demand for heat pumps, and the implications of expanding heat pump technology. Webinar Recorded: November 17, 2022
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Whether you are being asked to design, install, or inspect an energy storage system, you’ll want to understand the opportunities energy storage presents and the plan for safe installations. Join us to engage with a diverse group of panelists to discuss why you should care about the exponential growth of these systems and what you can expect in the coming year. Get your questions answered live so you can benefit from the safe and widespread adoption of energy storage. Webinar October 25, 2022
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Webinar Recorded in May 19, 2022 featuring Matt Paiss, Pacific Northwest National Lab and Brad Fox, Assistant Fire Marshal for Santa Clara County Central Fire District.
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Take this 10 question quiz to see how you would evaluate the residential rooftop solar PV plan for compliance.
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